Choir Boosters
Join SME Choir Boosters 2023-2024!
SME Choir Boosters is a parent group that supports
the Shawnee Mission East Choral Music Program.
The SME Choir Program is the biggest in the SM District! Its needs are vast and include things that the District simply cannot provide, including:
Obviously, this is the biggest expense for choir. The District provides us
with $1700 per year for new music. We use $8000 of printed music
PER CONCERT….Even with borrowing and using what is in our own library, our large department needs A LOT more than what is allotted. Your Choir Booster $$ helps us tremendously with making up some of this cost disparity!
*Uniform Cleaning & Repairs*
We use buses for the Men’s Choir and Chansonettes Tour.
We also use buses to transport ALL our choirs to
Regional and State Contest in the spring.
*Accompanist Expenses*
Our wonderful accompanist spends a lot of time outside of
regular class time on auditions, coaching, contest rehearsing…
The District does not pay for this.
*Equipment Rental, Supplies, Publicity, Programs*
…the list is endless!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for your support!
Our students couldn’t do it without you!
SME Choir Many Singers, One Voice